Bibliographie du Dr. Akoroda M.O. |
1. Aighewi B.A., Akoroda M.O., Asiedu R. 1998. Preliminary studies of seed yam production from minisetts with different thicknesses of cortex parenchyma in white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.). In: Proc. 6 th Symposium of the ISTRC-AB, Lilongwe (Malawi), 22-28 Oct. 1995. Edited by: M.O. Akoroda, I.J. Ekanayake.ISTRC-AB, IITA. Ibadan, Nigeria. pp. 445-447.
2. Aiyelari E.A., Akoroda M.O. 1996. Determination of some yam tuber properties relevant to the design of mechanical harvesters. African J. of Root and Tuber Crops. 1(2): 23-26.
3. Akoroda M.O. 1981. Studies of the genetics and floral biology of yams (Dioscorea rotundata and D. cayenensis Lam.). Dept. of Agronomy submitted to the Faculty of Agriculture and Forest Resources Management (Univ. of ibadan). 298 p.p.
4 Akoroda M.O. 1982. Phenetic similarity among Dioscorea cayenensis cultivars as estimated by cluster analysis and minimum spanning tree. Ann. appl. Biol. 101(3): 547-552.
5. Akoroda M.O. 1983. Variation, heritability and genetic advance of eight characters in white yam. Theor. Appl. Genet. 66(1): 51-54.
6. Akoroda M.O. 1983. Long-term storage of yam pollen. Scientia Horticulturae. 20: 225-230.
7. Akoroda M.O. 1983. Principal component analysis and metroglyph of variation among Nigerian yellow yams. Euphytica. 32(2): 565-573.
8. Akoroda M.O. 1983. Floral biology in relation to hand pollination of white yam. Euphytica. 32(3): 831-838.
9. Akoroda M.O. 1984. Patterns of set multiplication ratio among seed-derived biparental families of white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.). Z. Pflanzenzüchtg. 93: 280-290.
10. Akoroda M.O. 1984. Estimating pollen viability for controlled hybridization in white yam. Crop Res. (Hort. Res. ). 24: 11-22.
11. Akoroda M.O. 1984. Genetic improvment of vegetable crop: yam (Dioscorea spp.). In: Genetic improvment of vegetable crops. Edited by: Kasloo, et al.Pergamon Press. pp. 717-733.
12. Akoroda M.O. 1984. Variability, repeatability, character correlation and path coefficient analyses in yellow yam. Theor. Appl. Genet. 69: 217-221.
13. Akoroda M.O. 1985. Sexual seed production in white yam. Seed. Sci. Technol. 13(3): 571-581.
14. Akoroda M.O. 1985. Dynamics of sprout emergence in guinea yams. J. Agric. 154: 16-24.
15. Akoroda M.O. 1985. Optimizing sett size and sett multiplication ratio for ware tuber production in Guinea yams. Field Crops Research. 12(4): 377-385.
16. Akoroda M.O. 1985. Pollination management for controlled hybridization of white yam. Scientia Horticulturae. 25(3): 201-209.
17. Akoroda M.O. 1986. Tubercule requirements for sett production in white-yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.). Indian J. Agric. Sci. 56(1): 44-46.
18. Akoroda M.O. 1987. Incorporation tuber peels in white yam flour. Trop. Sci. 27(4): 239-248.
19. Akoroda M.O. 1987. Multiple tubering in Guinea yams. Trop. Sci. 64(3): 225-229.
20. Akoroda M.O. 1987. Yam, sweet potato and cocoyam. Courrier. 101: 78-81.
21. Akoroda M.O. 1993. Yams Dioscorea sp. In: Genetic improvment of vegetable crops. Edited by: G. Kalloo, B.O. Bergh.Pergamon Press. Oxford, New York, Seoul, Tokyo. pp. 717-733.
22. Akoroda M.O. 1994. A century of yam research in Nigeria: 1893-1992. In: Proc. 5 th triennal symposium ISTRC-Africa Branch, Kampala, Uganda, 22-28 November 1992. Edited by: M.O. Akoroda.ISTRC-AB, CTA, IITA. Ibadan, Nigeria. pp. 39-43.
23. Akoroda M.O. 1995. Alleviating hunger in Africa with root and tuber crops. African J. of Root and Tuber Crops. 1(1): 41-43.
24. Akoroda M.O. 1995. Yam Research at IITA: 1971-1993. Polygraphics Venture Ltd., Challenge. Ibadan, Nigeria. 39 p.
25. Akoroda M.O. 1998. Genetic selection in food yams: a century of sporadic efforts. In: L'igname, plante séculaire et culture d'avenir. Actes du séminaire international Cirad-Inra-Orstom-Coraf, 3-6 juin 1997, Montpellier, France. Edited by: J. Berthaud, N. Bricas. J.-L. Marchand.CIRAD. Montpellier, France. pp. 107-117.
26. Akoroda M.O., Chheda H.R. 1983. Agro-botanical and species relationships of Guinea yams. Trop. Agric. 60(4): 242-248.
27. Akoroda M.O., Hahn S.K. 1995. Yams in Nigeria: status and trends. African J. of Root and Tuber Crops. 1(1): 38-41.
28. Akoroda M.O., Okonmah L.U. 1982. Sett production and germplasm maintenance through vine cutting in yams. Trop. Agric. 59(4): 311-314.
29. Akoroda M.O., Wilson J.E., Chheda H.R. 1982. Fécondation artificielle, variabilité et conservation du pollen de l'igname blanche. In: Plantes, racines tropicales : stratégies de recherche pour les années 80. Compte rendu du 1er symposium triennal sur les plantes- racines de la Société internationale pour les plantes-racines tropicales (ISTRC) - Direction Afrique, 8-12 septembre 1980, Ibadan, Nigeria. Edited by: E.R. Terry, K.A. Oduro. F.E. Caveness.Centre de recherches pour le développement (IRDC). Ottawa, Canada. pp. 200-205.
30. Akoroda M.O., Wilson J.E., Chheda H.R. 1984. The association of sexuality with plant traits and tuber yield in white yam. Euphytica. 33(2): 435-442.
31. Hahn S.K., Osiru D.S.O., Akoroda M.O., Otoo J.A. 1987. Yam production and its future prospects. Outlook on Agriculture. 16(3): 105-110.
32. Hahn S.K., Osiru D.S.O., Akoroda M.O., Otoo J.A. 1994. Production des ignames : rôle actuel et perspectives d'avenir. Guide de recherche de l'IITA 46. IITA. Ibadan, Nigeria. 37 p.
33. Okoli O.O., Akoroda M.O. 1995. Providing seed tubers for the production of food yams. African J. of Root and Tuber Crops. 1(1): 1-5.
34. Okoli O.O., Akoroda M.O. 1995. Heat of respiration of yam tubers and its effect on heat load. African J. of Root and Tuber Crops. 1(1): 31-34.
35. Segnou, Fatokun C.A., Akoroda M.O., Hahn S.K. 1992. Studies on the reproductive biology of white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.). Euphytica. 64(3): 197-203.