Bibliographie de Coursey D.G. |
1. Alexander J., Coursey D.G. 1969. The origins of yam cultivation. In: The domestication and exploitation of plants and animals. Edited by: P.J. Ucko, G.W. Dimbleby.Aldine Publishing Company. Chicago. Chap. 1. pp. 405-425.
2. Ayensu E.S., Coursey D.G. 1972. Guinea yams. The botany, ethnobotany, use and possible future of yams in West Africa. Economic botany. 26(4): 301-318.
3. Coursey D.G. 1961. The magnitude and origins of storage losses in Nigerian yams. J. Sci. Food Agric. 12(8): 574-580.
4. Coursey D.G. 1964. The storage behaviour of yams; a summary of recent investigations in Nigeria. Tropical Stored Products Information. 7: 269-275.
5. Coursey D.G. 1965. The role of yams in West African food economies. World Crops. 17(2): 74-82.
6. Coursey D.G. 1966. The cultivation and use of yams in West Africa. Ghana Notes and Queries. 9: 45-54.
7. Coursey D.G. 1966. Food technology and the yam in West Africa. Trop. Sci. 8(4): 152-159.
8. Coursey D.G. 1967. Internal brown spot, a condition in yams in Barbados. J. Agric. Soc. Trinidad Tobago. 67(4): 473-482.
9. Coursey D.G. 1967. Yams. An account of the Nature, Origins, Cultivation and Utilisation of the Useful Members of the Dioscoreaceae. Tropical Agricultural Series. Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd. Londres, UK. 230 p.
10. Coursey D.G. 1967. Botany and taxonomy. In: Yams. Longmans Green. London. Chap. 3. pp. 28-67.
11. Coursey D.G. 1967. Agriculture. In: Yams. Longmans Green. London. Chap. 4. pp. 68-101.
12. Coursey D.G. 1967. Yam storage. I. A review of yam storage practices and of information on storage losses. Journal of Stored Products Research. 2(3): 229-244.
13. Coursey D.G. 1967. Post-harvest problems of the yams (Dioscorea). In: 1st Int. Symp. Trop. Root Crops, Trinidad.
14. Coursey D.G. 1968. Low temperature injury in yams. J. Food Technology. 3(2): 143-150.
15. Coursey D.G. 1968. The new yam festival among the Ewe. Ghana Notes and Queries. 10: 18-23.
16. Coursey D.G. 1969. Chilling injury in yams. Tropical Root and Tuber crops Newsletter. 2: 17
17. Coursey D.G. 1969. The future of the yam in world agriculture: an appraisal of some problems. Tropical Root and Tuber crops Newsletter. 2: 4-8.
18. Coursey D.G. 1971. Histoire et perspectives de la culture de l'igname en Afrique de l'ouest. Séminaire sur les plantes à racines et à tubercules (Ibadan 22-26 février 1971). Séminaire FORD. :
19. Coursey D.G. 1972. The civilizations of the yam: interrelationships of man and yams in Africa and the Indo-Pacific region. Archeol. Phys. Anthropol. Oceania. 7(3): 215-233.
20. Coursey D.G. 1976. The origins and domestication of yams in Africa. In: Origin of African plant domestication. Edited by: J.R. Harlan, J.M.J. De Wet. A.B.L. Stemler.Mouton. The Hague, Netherlands. pp. 383-408.
21. Coursey D.G. 1976. Some culture-historical determinants of tropical agricultural research priorities. Tropical Root and Tuber crops Newsletter. 9: 4-12.
22. Coursey D.G. 1976. Yams. Dioscorea spp. (Dioscoreaceae). In: Evolution of crop plants. Edited by: N.W. Simmonds.Longman group limited. London, New York. Chap. 23. pp. 70-74.
23. Coursey D.G. 1976. The status of root crops: a culture-historical perspective. J. Root Crops. 2: 1-9.
24. Coursey D.G. 1977. The comparative ethnobotany of african and asian yam cultures. In: Proc. 3 rd Int. Symp. Trop. Root Crops (ISTRC-AB), IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2-9 Dec. 1973. Edited by: C.L.A. Leakey.IITA. Ibadan, Nigeria. pp. 164-169.
25. Coursey D.G. 1978. Some ideological considerations relating to tropical root crop production. In: The adaptation of Traditional Agriculture. Edited by: E.K. Fisk.Australian National University. Canberra. pp. 131-141.
26. Coursey D.G. 1981. The interactions of yam and man. In: L'igname. Séminaire International , Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe (France), 28 juillet -2 août 1980. Les colloques de l'inra.INRA. Paris, France. pp. 13-26.
27. Coursey D.G. 1981. The interactions of yam and man. J. Agric. Trop. Bot. Appl. (JATBA). 28(1): 5-21.
28. Coursey D.G. 1983. Yams. In: Handbook of Tropical Foods. Edited by: H.C. Chan.Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, USA. pp. 555-601.
29. Coursey D.G. 1985. Ressources des principales plantes-racines. Leur possibilité d'utilisation par l'homme, l'animal, l'industrie. In: Plantes-racines tropicales. Culture et emplois en Afrique. Actes du 2ème symposium triennal ISTRC - Direction Afrique (ISTRC-AB), Douala (Cameroun), 14-19 août 1983. Edited by: E.R. Terry, E.V. Doku, O.B. Arene. N.M.E. Mahungu.IRDC. Ottawa,Canada. pp. 27-37.
30. Coursey D.G., Aidoo A. 1966. Ascorbic acid levels in Ghanaian yams. J. Sci. Food Agric. 17(10): 446-449.
31. Coursey D.G., Booth R.H. 1977. Post harvest problems of non-grain staples. Acta Hort. 53: 23-33.
32. Coursey D.G., Booth R.H. 1977. Root and tuber crops. In: Food crops of the lowland tropics. Edited by: C.L.A. Leakey, J.B. Wills.Oxford Univ. Press. Oxford. pp. 75-95.
33. Coursey D.G., Coursey C.K. 1976. The new yam festivals of West Africa. Anthropos. 66: 444-484.
34. Coursey D.G., Degras L. 1986. Yams (Dioscorea ssp.). In: Guidelines for seed exchange and plant introduction in tropical crops. plant production and protection paper n 76. Edited by: J. Leon, L.A. Withers.FAO. Rome, Italie. pp. 59-65.
35. Coursey D.G., Fellows L.E., Coulson C.B. 1966. Respiration in yam tuber tissue. Nature. 210(5042): 1292-1293.
36. Coursey D.G., Ferber C.E.M. 1979. Processing of yams. In: Small scale processing and storage of tropical root crops. Edited by: D.L. Plucknett.Westview Press. Boulder, Colorado, USA. pp. 189-211.
37. Coursey D.G., Haynes P.H. 1970. Root crops and their potential as food in the tropics. World Crops. 22(4): 261-265.
38. Coursey D.G., Martin F.W. 1970. The past and future of the yams as crop plants. In: Proceedings of the 2 th ISTRC, 22-30 August 1970, Hawaii. pp. 87-90.
39. Coursey D.G., Martin F.W. 1972. The past and future of the yams as crop plants. Pl. Fds. hum. Nutr. 2(3/4): 133-138.
40. Coursey D.G., Nwankwor F.I. 1960. Effects of fungicidal treatments on losses in weight of yams during storage. In: Technical Report No 15, Nigerian Stored Products Research Institute. Nigeria. pp. 57-59.
41. Coursey D.G., Nwankwor F.I. 1968. Effects of insolation and of shade on the storage behaviour of yams in west Africa. Ghana Journal of Science. 8(1/2): 74-81.
42. Coursey D.G., Russull J.D. 1969. A note on endogenous and biodeterioration factors in the respiration of a dormant yam tuber. Int. Biodetn Bull. 5(1): 27-30.
43. Coursey D.G., Walker H.M. 1960. A study of the origins of weight losses in stored yams. Rep. W. Afr. Stored Prod. Res. Unit. : 61-64.
44. Haynes P.H., Coursey D.G. 1969. Gigantism in yam. Trop. Sci. 11(2): 93-96.
45. Ireland C.R., Schwabe W.W., Coursey D.G. 1981. The occurrence of batatasins in the Dioscoreaceae. Phytochemistry. 20(7): 1569-1571.
46. Lancaster P.A., Coursey D.G. 1984. Traditional post-harvest technology of perishable tropical staples. FAO. Rome, Italy. 74 p.
47. Ozo O.N., Caygill J.C., Coursey D.G. 1984. Phenolics of five yam (Dioscorea) species. Phytochemistry. 23: 329-331.
48. Rasper V.F., Coursey D.G. 1967. Properties of some West African yam starches. J. Sci. Food Agric. 18: 240-244.
49. Rasper V.F., Coursey D.G. 1967. Anthocyanins of Dioscorea alata. Experientiae. 23(8): 611-612.