Bibliographie de Martin F.W.
1. Cabanillas E., Martin F.W. 1978. The propagation of edible yams from cuttings. J. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico. 62(3): 249-254.
2. Coursey D.G., Martin F.W. 1970. The past and future of the yams as crop plants. In: Proceedings of the 2 th ISTRC, 22-30 August 1970, Hawaii. pp. 87-90.
3. Coursey D.G., Martin F.W. 1972. The past and future of the yams as crop plants. Pl. Fds. hum. Nutr. 2(3/4): 133-138.
4. Cruzado H.J., Delpin H., Martin F.W. 1964. Seed rest and seed viability in medicinal Dioscorea species. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 84: 436-440.
5. Cruzado H.J., Delpin H., Martin F.W. 1965. Effect of fertilizers on the sapogenin yields of Dioscorea composita. J. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico. 49(2): 254-258.
6. Delpin H., Martin F.W. 1970. Establishing sapogenin-bearing Dioscoreas from seed. J. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico. 54: 334-340.
7. Martin F.W. 1966. Sex ratio and sex determination in Dioscorea. J. Hered. 57(3): 95-99.
8. Martin F.W. 1969. The species of Dioscorea containing sapogenin. Economic botany. 23(4): 373-379.
9. Martin F.W. 1972. Yam production methods. Production Research report n 147. Agricultural research service, Unitred State Department of agriculture. Washington. 17 p.
10. Martin F.W. 1972. Current status of sapogenin-bearing yams. Pl. Fds. hum. Nutr. 2(3/4): 139-143.
11. Martin F.W. 1972. Yam conservation problems. (Varieties). Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter. 28: 35-36.
12. Martin F.W. 1974. Selected yam varieties avalaible for distribution. Memo. Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. Fed. Exp. Sta., Mayaguez, Puerto Rico.
13. Martin F.W. 1974. Tropical yams and their potential. Part. 2. Dioscorea bulbifera . Agriculture Handbook n 466. Agricultural Research Service, USDA. Washington, USA. 20 p.
14. Martin F.W. 1974. Effects of type of wound, species, and humidity on curing of yam (Dioscorea alata L.) tubers before storage. J. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico. 58(2): 211-218.
15. Martin F.W. 1974. Tropical yams and their potential . Part 1. Dioscorea esculenta. Agricultural handbook no 457. Science and education administration, Research Service, United States Dept. of Agriculture (USDA). WAshington DC, USA. 18 p.
16. Martin F.W. 1975. Yams of South East Asia and their future. In: Proceedings of a symposium on South East Asia Plant Genetic Resources. FAO. Rome, Italie. pp. 83-90.
17. Martin F.W. 1975. The storage of germplasm of tropical root and tubers in the vegetative form. In: Crop genetic resources for today and tomorrow. Edited by: O.H. Frankel, J.G. Hawkes.Cambridge Univ. Press. Cambridge, UK. pp. 369-371.
18. Martin F.W. 1976. Tropical yams and their potential. Part. 3. Dioscorea alata. Agriculture Handbook n 495. Agricultural research service. United States Department of Agriculture. 40 p.
19. Martin F.W. 1977. A collection of west african yams. In: Proc. 3 th international symposium Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC), IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria, Dec. 1973. Edited by: C.L.A. Leakey.ISTRC-IITA. Ibadan, Nigeria. pp. 23-27.
20. Martin F.W. 1977. Selected yams varieties for the tropics. In: Proc. 4 th Symposium ISTRC, CIAT, Cali, Columbia, 1-7 August 1976. Edited by: J.H. Cock, R. MacIntyre. M. Graham.ISTRC, CIAT, IDRC, USAID. Ottawa, Canada. pp. 44-49.
21. Martin F.W. 1977. Prolonging the storage life of yams by removal of shoots and by treatment with gibberelic acid and waxes. Tropical Root and Tuber crops Newsletter. 10: 39-44.
22. Martin F.W. 1979. Composition, nutritional value and toxic substances of the tropical yams. In: Tropical Foods: chemistry and nutrition. Edited by: G.E. Inglett, G. Charalambous.Academic Press. New-York, USA. pp. 249-263.
23. Martin F.W. 1981. Some suggestions for future research and development with yams / Quelques suggestions pour la recherche et le développement chez l'igname. In: L'igname. Séminaire International, Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe (France), 28 juillet - 2 août 1980. Les colloques de l'inra.INRA. Paris. pp. 294-296.
24. Martin F.W. 1981. The question of toxicity of edible yams. In: Les colloques de l'INRA, l'Igname, Séminaire International, Pointe-à-Pitre, 28 juillet-2 août 1980. Les colloques de l'inra.INRA. Paris, France. pp. 31-39.
25. Martin F.W., Cabanillas E. 1963. A wild hybrid of sapogenin-bearing Dioscorea species. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club. 90(4): 232-237.
26. Martin F.W., Cabanillas E. 1966. The F1 hybrids of some sapogenin-bearing Dioscorea species. Amer. J. Bot. 53(4): 350-358.
27. Martin F.W., Cabanillas E. 1967. Heritability of yields in Dioscorea floribunda. Trop. Agric. 44(1): 45-51.
28. Martin F.W., Cabanillas E. 1976. Stimulating the sprouting of yam tubers with ethephon. J. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico. 60(4): 592-596.
29. Martin F.W., Cabanillas E., Gaskins M.H. 1966. Economics of the sapogenin-bearing yam as a crop plant in Puerto Rico. J. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico. 50(1): 53-64.
30. Martin F.W., Canabillas E., Guadalupe R. 1975. Selected varieties of Dioscorea alata, the asian greater yam. J. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico. 59(3): 165-181.
31. Martin F.W., Degras L. 1978. Tropical yams and their potential. Part. 5. Dioscorea trifida. Agricultural handbook n 522. Science and education administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and U.S.A.I.D. Washington, USA. 26 p. p.
32. Martin F.W., Degras L. 1978. Tropical yams and their potential. Part. 6. Minor cultivated Dioscorea species. Agricultural handbook n 538. Science and education administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and U.S.A.I.D. Washington, USA. 23 p. p.
33. Martin F.W., Delfel N.E. 1967. The tubers, sapogenins, and virus resistance of Dioscorea species hybrids. Amer. J. Bot. 54(9): 1158-1162.
34. Martin F.W., Delfel N.E., Cruzado H.J. 1963. Dioscorea friedrichsthalii; another sapogenin-bearing species. Turrialba. 13(3): 159-163.
35. Martin F.W., Delpin H. 1965. Sapogenin production and agronomic potential of Dioscorea spiculiflora. Turrialba. 15(4): 296-299.
36. Martin F.W., Delpin H. 1967. The influence of some soil and climatic factors on sapogenin yields of Dioscorea. J. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico. 51(3): 260-265.
37. Martin F.W., Delpin H. 1969. Techniques and problems in the propagation of sapogenin-bearing yams from stem cuttings. J. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico. 53(3): 191-198.
38. Martin F.W., Delpin H. 1977. A treatment to induce multiple tuber production in Dioscorea alata. Tropical Root and Tuber crops Newsletter. 10: 22-23.
39. Martin F.W., Delpin H. 1977. Selected varieties of Dioscorea esculenta,a yam for the hot, humid tropics. J. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico. 61: 237-249.
40. Martin F.W., Delpin H. 1978. New, superior varieties of Dioscorea alata, the asian greater yam. J. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico. 62: 64-75.
41. Martin F.W., Delpin H. 1979. Selected varieties of Dioscorea esculenta, a yam for the hot humid tropics. J. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico. 63(2): 236-249.
42. Martin F.W., Gaskins M.H. 1968. Cultivation of the sapogenin-bearing Dioscorea species. U. S. D. A. Proc. Res. Rep. 103: -19 p.
43. Martin F.W., Koo F.K.S., Cuevas-Ruiz J. 1974. Stimulation of yam (Dioscorea) tuber growth by gamma irradiation. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 99: 282-284.
44. Martin F.W., Ortiz S. 1963. Origin and anatomy of tubers of Dioscorea floribunda and D. spiculiflora. Bot. Gaz. 124(6): 416-421.
45. Martin F.W., Ortiz S. 1963. Chromosome numbers and behaviour in some species of Dioscorea. Cytologia. 28: 96-101.
46. Martin F.W., Ortiz S. 1963. Natural pollination, hand pollination and crossability of some Mexican species of Dioscorea species. Trop. Agric. 40(2): 135-141.
47. Martin F.W., Ortiz S. 1966. New chromosome numbers in some Dioscorea species. Cytologia. 31(1): 105-107.
48. Martin F.W., Rhodes A.M. 1973. Correlations among greater yam (Dioscorea alata L.) cultivars. Trop. Agric. 50(3): 183-192.
49. Martin F.W., Rhodes A.M. 1977. Intra-specific classification of Dioscorea alata. Trop. Agric. 54(1): 1-13.
50. Martin F.W., Rhodes A.M. 1978. The relationships of Dioscorea cayenensis and D. rotundata. Trop. Agric. 55(3): 193-206.
51. Martin F.W., Ruberte R.M. 1972. Yams (Dioscorea spp.) for production of chips and french fries. J. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico. 56(3): 228-234.
52. Martin F.W., Ruberte R.M. 1975. Carotenoid pigments of Dioscorea cayenensis. Ann. appl. Biol. 80(3): 317-322.
53. Martin F.W., Ruberte R.M. 1975. Flours made from edible yams (Dioscorea spp.) as a substitute for wheat flour. J. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico. 59(4): 255-263.
54. Martin F.W., Ruberte R.M. 1975. Bitterness of Dioscorea cayenensis (Yams). Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry. 23(6): 1218-1219.
55. Martin F.W., Ruberte R.M. 1976. The polyphenol of Dioscorea alata (yam) tubers associated with oxidative browning (varieties). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 24(1): 67-70.
56. Martin F.W., Ruberte R.M. 1976. Changes in the quality of yams (Dioscorea alata) in storage. Tropical Root and Tuber crops Newsletter. 9: 40-51.
57. Martin F.W., Sadik S. 1977. Tropical yams and their potential. Part. 4. Dioscorea rotundata and Dioscorea cayenensis. Agriculture Handbook n 502. Agricultural research service. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Washington, USA. 36 p. p.
58. Martin F.W., Splittstoesser W.E. 1975. A comparison of total protein and amino acids of tropical roots and tubers. Tropical Root and Tuber crops Newsletter. 8: 7-15.
59. Martin F.W., Telek L., Ruberte R.M. 1974. Yellow pigments of Dioscorea bulbifera. J. Agric. Food Chem. 22(2): 335-337.
60. Martin F.W., Thompson A.E. 1971. A study on protein contents of yams. PAG Bull. 2(1): 40
61. Martin F.W., Thompson A.E. 1971. Crude protein content of yams. Hortscience. 6(6): 545-546.
62. Martin F.W., Thompson A.E. 1973. Protein content and amino acid balance of yams. J. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico. 57(1): 78-83.
63. Rhodes A.M., Martin F.W. 1972. Multivariate studies of variation in yams (Dioscorea alata L.). J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 97(5): 685-688.
64. Rodriguez-Sosa E.J., Cruz-Cay J.R., Gonzalez M.A., Martin F.W. 1973. Shelf-life study of farm lisbon yam (Dioscorea alata) chips. J. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico. 57(3): 196-202.
65. Rodriguez-Sosa E.J., Gonzalez M.A., Martin F.W. 1972. Evaluation of ten varieties of yam (Dioscorea spp.) for production of instant flakes. J. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico. 56(3): 235-243.
66. Ruppel E.G., Delpin H., Martin F.W. 1966. Preliminary studies on a virus disease of a sapogenin producing Dioscorea species in Puerto Rico. J. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico. 50(2): 151-157.
67. Splittstoesser W.E., Martin F.W. 1975. The tryptophan content of tropical root and tubers. Hortscience. 10(1): 23-24.
68. Splittstoesser W.E., Martin F.W., Rhodes A.M. 1973. The nutritional value of some tropical root crops. Proceedings of the tropical Region agriculture society for Horticultural science. 17: 290-294.
9. Splittstoesser W.E., Martin F.W., Rhodes A.M. 1973. The amino acid composition of five species of yams (Dioscorea). J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 98(6): 563-567.
70. Womack M., Martin F.W., Vaughan D.A. 1976. Toxicity of some edible yams to rats. Tropical Root and Tuber crops Newsletter. 9: 27-32.
71. Womack M., Martin F.W., Vaughan D.A. 1977. Further studies on toxicity of yams to rats. Tropical Root and Tuber crops Newsletter. 10: 11-13.