Bibliographie de Burkill I.H.
1. Burkill I.H. 1911. The polarity of the bulbils of Dioscorea bulbifera. Linn. Roy. Asiatic Soc. Bengal J. and Proc. 7: 467-469.
2. Burkill I.H. 1915. Preparation of yams for the table. Gdn's Bull. 1(9): 304-305.
3. Burkill I.H. 1915. Three lepidoptera which attack Dioscoreas in Singapore. Gdn's Bull. 1(9): 308-310.
4. Burkill I.H. 1915. Different parts of the tubers of Dioscorea alata sprout at different rates. Gdn's Bull. 1(9): 306-307.
5. Burkill I.H. 1915. A report on a collection of living Dioscoreas from the Philippines Islands. Philippine Agriculturist. 3: 205-209.
6. Burkill I.H. 1915. Some notes on Philippine yams, and the results of cultivation on three Indian races in 1914. Gdn's Bull. , Straits Settl. 1(9): 297-304.
7. Burkill I.H. 1917. The lesser yam Dioscorea esculenta. Gdn's Bull. , Straits Settl. 1(11/12): 396-399.
8. Burkill I.H. 1917. A report of the races of the greater or ten-months yam, Dioscorea alata cultivated in the Botanic Gardens, Singapore. Gdn's Bull. , Straits Settl. 1(11/12): 371-396.
9. Burkill I.H. 1918. Some cultivated yams from Africa and elsewhere. Gdn's Bull. , Straits Settl. 2(3): 86-92.
10. Burkill I.H. 1918. A report on the experimental cultivation of the greater yam, Dioscorea alata. Gdn's Bull. , Straits Settl. 2(2): 37-44.
11. Burkill I.H. 1918. A beetle which attacks yams. Gdn's Bull. 2(1): 6
12. Burkill I.H. 1918. Economic insects in the Straits Settlements. Gdn's Bull. 2(1): 1-6.
13. Burkill I.H. 1919. Dioscorea alata the greater yam. Gdn's Bull. 2(5): 158
14. Burkill I.H. 1919. A progress report on the cultivation of the greater yam, Dioscorea alata, in the Botanic Garden, Singapore. Gdn's Bull. , Straits Settl. 2(4): 129-135.
15. Burkill I.H. 1919. Yield on the lesser yam and of some African yams. Gdn's Bull. 2(5): 159-165.
16. Burkill I.H. 1920. Staking yams. Gdn's Bull. 2: 301-302.
17. Burkill I.H. 1921. The correct botanic names for white and yellow Guinea yams. Gdn's Bull. , Straits Settl. 2(12): 438-441.
18. Burkill I.H. 1923. A spiny yam from Sumatra. Gdn's Bull. 3: 3-4.
19. Burkill I.H. 1923. Tahitian yams. Gdn's Bull. 3: 4-5.
20. Burkill I.H. 1923. Yams at the Malaya, Borneo exhibition. Gdn's Bull. 3: 5-8.
21. Burkill I.H. 1924. A list of oriental and vernacular names of the genus Dioscorea. Gdn's Bull. 3(4/6): 121-244.
22. Burkill I.H. 1924. Varieties of Dioscorea pentaphylla in Malaysia. Gdn's Bull. 3(7/8): 258-259.
23. Burkill I.H. 1924. Dioscorea piscatorum of "tuba-ubi", a fish poison. Gdn's Bull. 3(7/8): 260
24. Burkill I.H. 1926. Yams. Queensland Agric. J. 26: 455
25. Burkill I.H. 1935. A dictionnary of the economic products of the Malay peninsula. Edited by: Ministry of agriculture (Malaysia). Crown Agents for the Colonies. London. 839.
26. Burkill I.H. 1936. Phyllotaxy of Dioscorea glauca Mihl. J. Bot. 74: 89-101.
27. Burkill I.H. 1937. The development of the tuber of Dioscorea sansibarensis Pax. Bluema. Suppl. 1: 232-237.
28. Burkill I.H. 1938. The contact of the Portuguese with African food plants which gave words such as "yam" to European languages. Proc. Linn. Soc. Bot. Lond. 150(2): 84-95.
29. Burkill I.H. 1939. Notes on the genus Dioscorea in the Belgian Congo. Bull. Jard. Bot. Etat (Bruxelles). 15(4): 345-392.
30. Burkill I.H. 1939. Two notes on Dioscorea in the Belgian Congo. Proc. Linn. Soc. Bot. Lond. 151(2): 57-61.
31. Burkill I.H. 1939. Les ignames du Congo. Rev. Bot. Appl. Agric. Trop. : 616-626.
32. Burkill I.H. 1940. Slight zygomorphy in Dioscorea sylvatica Eklon. J. Bot. 78: 100-101.
33. Burkill I.H. 1942. The terrestrial vegetative buds of Dioscorea alata Linn. In: Calcutta Royal Botanic Garden. Bengal Govt Press. Alipore, Inde. pp. 109-114.
34. Burkill I.H. 1946. A plea for a description from the life of the African Dioscorea minutiflora Engl. Proc. Linn. Soc. Bot. Lond. 159: 76-81.
35. Burkill I.H. 1950. A new Dioscorea from the Celebes. Kew Bull. : 259-260.
36. Burkill I.H. 1951. The rise and decline of the greater yam in the service of man. Adv. Sci. 7(28): 443-448.
37. Burkill I.H. 1951. Dioscoreaceae. Flora Malesiana Ser. 1. 4: 293-335.
38. Burkill I.H. 1952. Testudinaria as a section of the genus Dioscorea. J. South Afr. Bot. 18: 177-191.
39. Burkill I.H. 1953. Habits of man and the origin of cultivated plants of the old world. Proc. Linn. Soc. Bot. Lond. 164(1): 12-42.
40. Burkill I.H. 1954. Dioscoreaceae. In: Flora Malesiana. Ser. 1(4). Edited by: C.G.G.P. Van Steenis.Noordhoff Ltd. Groningen. pp. 293-335.
41. Burkill I.H. 1960. The organography and the evolution of the Dioscoreaceae, the family of the yams. J. Linn. Soc. (Bot. ) London. 56(367): 319-412.
42. Burkill I.H., Birtwistle W., Foxworthy F.W., Scrivenor J.B., Watson J.G. 1935. Dioscorea. In: A dictionary of the economic products of the Malay peninsula. Vol. I (A-H). Crown Agents for the colonies. London. pp. 824-838.
43. Burkill I.H., Perrier de la Bathie H. 1950. Dioscoreaceae dans la flore de Madagascar et des Comores. Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris. 78 p.
44. Burkill I.H., Perrier de la Bathie H. 1951. New units in the taxonomy of the Madagascar Dioscorea. Notulae System. 14: 132-137.
45. Prain D., Burkill I.H. 1904. On Dioscorea birmanica a new species from Burma and two allied species. Roy. Asiatic Soc. Bengal J. 73: 183-187.
46. Prain D., Burkill I.H. 1914. A synopsis of the Dioscorea of the world, Africa excluded, with descriptions of new species, and varieties. J. and Proc. Asiatic Society of Bengal. 10(1): 5-41.
47. Prain D., Burkill I.H. 1919. Dioscorea sativa. Kew Bull. Misc. Inform. 9: 337-339.
48. Prain D., Burkill I.H. 1936. An account of the genus Dioscorea. 1. Species which turn to the left. Ann. Rev. Bot. Gdn (Calcutta). 14: 1-210.
49. Prain D., Burkill I.H. 1939. An account of the genus Dioscorea. 2. Species which turn to the right. Ann. Rev. Bot. Gdn (Calcutta). 14(2): 211-528.