Dernières nouvelles de la "Planète igname" : articles
CHAIR H., • CORNET D.,• DEU •M., BACO M. N.,•AGBANGLA •A., DUVAL •M. F., NOYER J. L. 2010. Impact of farmer selection on yam genetic diversity. Conservation Genetics. DOI 10.1007/s10592-010-0110-z
DUMONT R., ZOUNDJIHEKPON J., VERNIER Ph. 2010. Origine et diversité des ignames Dioscorea rotundata Poir. Cahiers Agricultures. 19(4) : 255-261.
Résumé - Summary
BOUSALEM M., DURAND O., SCARCELLI N., LEBAS B.S.M., KENYON L., MARCHAND J.-L., LEFORT F., SEAL S.E. 2009. Dilemmas caused by endogenous pararetroviruses regarding the taxonomy and diagnosis of yam (Dioscorea spp.) badnaviruses: analyses to support safe germplasm movement. Arch. Virol. 154: 297-314.
BOUSALEM M., DOUZERY ESP, SEAL SE. 2008. Molecular taxonomy, phylogeny, and evolution of plant reverse transcribing viruses (Caulimoviridae) inferred from the reverse transcriptase sequences. Arch. Virol. 153: 1085-1102.
HORROCKS M, GRANT-MACKIE J, MATISOO-SMITH E. 2008. Introduced taro (Colocasia esculenta) and yams (Dioscorea spp.) in Podtanean (2700-1800 yr BP) deposits from Mé Auré Cave (WMD007), Moindou, New Caledonia. Journal of Archaeological Science 35: 169-180.
SCARCELLI N., TOSTAIN S., BACO M.N., AGBANGLA, C., DAINOU O., VIGOUROUX, Y., PHAM J.-L. 2008. Does agriculture conflict with in-situ conservation? A case study on the use of wild relatives by yam farmers in Benin. In: Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use. Eds: Maxted N., Ford-Lloyd B.V., Kell S.P., Iriondo J.M., Dulloo M.E., Turok J., CAB International, UK. Pp. 331-339.
WILKIN P., RAJAONAH M.T., JEANNODA V.H., HLADIK A., JEANNODA V., HLADIK C.M. 2008. An endangered new species of edible yam (Dioscorea, Dioscoreaceae) from Western Madagascar and its conservation. Kew Bulletin 63: 113–120.
BACO M.N., GAUTHIER BIAOU, LESCURE J.-P. 2007. Complementarity between Geographical and Social Patterns in the Preservation of Yam (Dioscorea sp.) Diversity in Northern Benin. Economic Botany, 61 (4): 385–393.
HANSEN DR, DASTIDAR SG, CAI ZQ, PENAFLOR C, KUEHL JV, BOORE JL, JANSEN RK. 2007. Phylogenetic and evolutionary implications of complete chloroplast genome sequences of four early-diverging angiosperms: Buxus (Buxaceae), Chloranthus (Chloranthaceae), Dioscorea (Dioscoreaceae), and Illicium (Schisandraceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 45: 547-563.
MAHALAKSHMI V, NG Q, ATALOBHOR J, OGUNSOLA D, LAWSON M, ORTIZ R. 2007. Development of a West African yam Dioscorea spp. core collection. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 54: 1817-1825.
MANDAL BB, DIXIT-SHARMA S. 2007. Cryopreservation of in vitro shoot tips of Dioscorea deltoidea Wall., an endangered medicinal plant: Effect of cryogenic procedure and storage duration. CRYOLETTERS 28: 461-470.
MANDAL BB, AHUJA-GHOSHL S. 2007. Regeneration of dioscorea floribunda plants from cryopreserved encapsulated shoot tips: Effect of plant growth regulators. CRYOLETTERS 28: 329-336.
TAMIRU M., BECKER H.C., MAASS B.L. 2007. Genetic diversity in yam germplasm from Ethiopia and their relatedness to the main cultivated Dioscorea species assessed by AFLP markers. Crop Science 47: 1744-1753.
TAMIRU M, BECKER HC, MAASS BL. 2007. Diversity, distribution, and management of yam landraces (Dioscorea spp.) in southern Ethiopia. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol.
TOSTAIN S., AGBANGLA C., SCARCELLI N., MARIAC C., DAINOU O., BERTHAUD J., PHAM J.-L. 2007. Genetic diversity analysis of yam cultivars (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.) in Benin using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization 5 (2): 71-81.
WILKIN P., HLADIK A., LABAT J.-N., BARTHELAT F. 2007. A new edible yam (Dioscorea L.) species
endemic to Mayotte, new data on D. comorensis R.Knuth and a key to the yams of the
Comoro Archipelago. Adansonia, sér. 3, 29 (2) : 215-228.
JEANNODA V.H ., RAZANAMPARANY J.L., RAJAONAH M.T., MONNEUSE M.O., HLADIK A., HLADIK C.M. 2007. Les ignames (Dioscorea spp.) de Madagascar : espèces endémiques et formes introduites ; diversité, perception, valeur nutritionnelle et systèmes de gestion durable. Rev. Ecol. (Terre Vie) 62 : 191-207.
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BOUSALEM M., ARNAU G., HOCHU I., ARNOLIN R., VIADER V., SANTONI S., DAVID, J. 2006. Microsatellite segregation analysis and cytogenetic evidence for tetrasomic inheritance in the American yam Dioscorea trifida and a new basic chromosome number in the Dioscoreae. Theor.Appl.Genet., 113: 439-451.
EGESI C.N., ASIEDU R., UDE G., OGUNYEMI S., EGUNJOBI J.K. 2006. AFLP marker diversity in water yam (Dioscorea alata L.). Plant Genetic Resources: characterization and utilization 4(3): 181-187.
HOCHU I., SANTONI S., BOUSALEM M. 2006. Isolation, characterization and cross-species amplification of microsatellite DNA loci in the tropical American yam Dioscorea trifida. Molecular Ecology Notes 6(1): 137-14.
SCARCELLI N., TOSTAIN S., MARIAC C., AGBANGLA C., DAÏNOU O., BERTHAUD J., PHAM J.-L. 2006. Genetic nature of yams (Dioscorea sp.) domesticated by farmers in Benin (West Africa). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 53: 121-130.
SCARCELLI N., TOSTAIN S., VIGOUROUX Y., AGBANGLA C., DAÏNOU O., PHAM J.-L. 2006. Farmers’ use of wild relative and sexual reproduction in a vegetatively propagated crop. The case of yam in Benin. Molecular Ecology 15: 2421–2431.
TOSTAIN S., SCARCELLI N., BROTTIER P., MARCHAND J.-L., PHAM J.-L., NOYER J.-L. 2006. Development of DNA microsatellite markers in tropical yam
(Dioscorea sp.). Molecular Ecology Notes 6: 173–175.
VERNIER Ph., DANSI A.A. 2006. Participatory assessment of local yam cultivars (D. cayenensis and D. rotundata) in Benin. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter 147: 38-46.
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